John, Stuart, an Joe, Three lads frae Scotland, ye know, Workin’ hard at Toronto airport, Handlin’ bags, ne’er a thought.
Though far frae hame, they dinnae moan, For work is work, an’ they’re no’ alone, They’ve each ither’s backs, an’ that’s a fact, In this new land, they’ll ne’er be sacked.
John’s the strong yin, wi’ muscles like steel, Stuart’s the quick yin, ne’er makes a wheel, Joe’s the steady yin, aye does his share, Together they mak’ a team beyond compare.
They may be far frae Scotland’s hills, But in their hearts, the land still fills, They’ll work hard, an’ save their pay, For one day they’ll return, hame to stay.
But till that day, they’ll do their best, Handlin’ bags, wi’ pride and zest, For they’re Scotsmen, true and bold, In Canada, their story’s told.